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Alicia M Gal

Research Journey & Achievements

Alicia has been honoured with three life time achievements. Most recently, she was nationally recognized as a Top 3 Finalist for CanFitPro - Fitness Professional of the Year for her legendary work with human movement & fitness/coaching (video)


Alicia is a Nipissing University Distinguished Alumni bringing pride & prestige to her alma mater. Undergraduate Degree - Bachelor of Physical and Health Education with distinction (BPHE), minor in Mathematics, and senior thesis (Dr. Graydon Raymer websiteExercise Physiology Lab)


Finally, from Universities Canada as a world leader being named a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Advanced Scholar (see QES-AS Malawi).


Upon graduation, Alicia will become certified by NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program (CREATE) in Research and Education in Accessibility, Design and innovation (READi). READi has taught her theory and practices on how to implement and teach universality and inclusiveness into her work and daily life.

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Interested in collaborating / contracting our research skills?

Send a quick email below & we will connect!

Thanks for your interest!

Dr Adrian DC Chan - Primary Supervisor - Carleton University website
Dr Dean C Hay - Secondary Supervisor - Nipissing University website 
Comprehensive Exam Board
Dr Rajan Sreeraman -
Chair - Carleton University website
Dr Don L Russell - Internal - Carleton University website
Dr Daniel Benoit - External - University of Ottawa website

Defense Board
Dr James Green - Chair

Dr Rajan Sreeraman - Examiner 1 - Carleton University
Dr Ryan Graham - Examiner 2 -  University of Ottawa website
TBA - External Examiner  (Disseration)
Masters RA - Thesis
Khashayar (Kash) Abbas Abadi
MKin Thesis - Nipissing University 

Undergrad RA - thesis
Travis Douglas (2019) 
NSERC Engage Grant & Biology Thesis - Carleton University 
Undergrad RAs
STEM Work Study - Nipissing University 

Jessica Couch (p)

Volunteer Brock University
Harper D'Souza (p) 

NSERC Funded - Carleton University 
Jospeh Dion
Shreyas Sreeraman (2018-2019 summer)
Luwan Wang (2020)
Volunteer Carleton University 
Marcus Haefele
Diego Politis (2017-2020)
Jean-Jacques (JJ) Demiannay (2018-2021)
Queen Elizabeth II Scholars (website)
Carleton University QES-AS (website)
Community Partner - Find Your Feet Malawi (website)
An objective automated IMU signal performance assessment system for seated bibrachial ice parasports

Proposed Objectives:
  1. Develop an AMMES that detects and extracts movement metrics from in situ PHS IMU- measured motion data for biomechanical assessment producing motion and sport-specific information
  2. Demonstrate the generalizability of AMMES via in situ PIH and ROW IMU-measured motion data
  3. Acquire and analyze subjective motion and performance rankings from human-rated in situ PHS performance skill level evaluations
  4. Develop an ASPE that uses shallow machine learning to analyze and rank in situ PHS performance skill levels
  5. Identify KPIs for in situ PHS via shallow machine learning analysis
Proposed Contributions:
  1. Developed a sport-specific AMMES that detects and extracts movement metrics from in situ PHS IMU-measured motion data for automated biomechanical assessment producing motion and sport-specific information
  2. Established an introductory PIH information database of subjective human-rated and objective automated in situ PHS and PIH motion and sport-specific information
  3. Developed an ASPE that evaluates and ranks motion and sport-specific task skill levels and performance for in situ PHS 
  4. Identified KPIs for in situ PHS via ASPE
NSERC Engage Research - TritonWear
Dr. Megan Holtzman
(2019/20) - TritonWear Mentor - TritonWear website
Dr. Iain McKinnell
(2019) - Undergrad Research Assistant Thesis Supervisor - Carleton University website

IDRC - GDS Research
Gender Design in STEAM (website)

IDA | Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)
Intro & Final Videos
3D-printed prostheses to support female survivors of domestic violence, accidents or cancer treatment in Brazil
ID91 | Fundação de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (FADE-UFPE)
Intro & Final Videos
Studying the use of artifacts to rebuild self-image and identity among female breast cancer survivors in Brazil
For more details see
Alicia's LinkedIn  or  Alicia's Virtual Portfolio
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